Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Purgatory of Mileage

I read that Kansas is a Purgatory of Mileage and after running the Flint Hills 50 mile ultra marathon March 14th 2009, at times I thought maybe I was in Purgatory. I'm not sure if the official name of the run was the Flint Hills 50, but thats what I named it. The KUS club or "Kansas Ultrarunning Society held a 50 mile members only fun run March 14th 2009. It was fun. The KUS group drove us out into the middle of the flint hills in central Kansas to drop us off at the starting line of the Heartland 100 Ultra course then told us to run back to Cassoday Kansas. This was like running on the surface of the moon. 11 hours of rolling hills and never changing landscape. One of the most beautiful places in the midwest. But let me tell you. There was seldom a tree and never a house or traffic. Just looong loonnnng roaaads. The KUS group charged $5.00. They dropped us off. The followed us for 11 hours. They gave us food and drink. And they are the greatest people on earth for doing that. What a good time.

We ended the day by running 50 miles. Our time was 11:27.

Race $5.00

gels $15.00

hotel $29.00

Gas $20.00

loosing two toe nails $0.00

Running the heartland 100 course $priceless